Monday, 23 January 2017

Term 2 Self Assessment

Term 2 Interim Self-Assessment
First Name, Last Initial: Linda, L
Block: 5
Grade Level: 9

1. Give yourself a mark out of 5 for each of the following:
a.   4.5/5    Attendance (consistent attendance, on time to class)
b.   5/5    Achievement (assignments completed and posted)
c.    5/5    Attitude (positive, cooperative)
d.    5/5    Effort (uses class time wisely, consistent effort in all aspects of class work)

2. Please list two specific (with examples) skills or concepts you have learned so far this term:

  • I can: model simple objects in blender, like modelling a mushroom.
  • I can: animate simple objects in blender, like making that mushroom move.

3. Please list one specific (with example) topic or skill you are going to work towards improving in Term 2:
  • I will work to improve: on understanding the functions of Blender, like the properties panel.
  • How you will improve this: do more projects using Blender.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Scratch Level 2-Racing Game



1. I had quite a few difficulties while programming this game. The largest one was probably figuring out how to end the game with the background that said "orange/blue wins" and then hiding the cars so that they didn't show up on that background. I used the "receive message" block to change the background once one of the cars had won, but then I used a slightly different shade of orange/blue so I could change the car costumes using the "when touching (colour)" block. I used a slightly different colour because I already had a block for the cars to explode if they touched the other coloured car. I also was confused about how to start the game only after the countdown, but then I realized I had to use the "wait for _ seconds" block.

2. I changed the racetrack, because the loop was way too easy, by drawing my own with the brush tool. I added a countdown so that it seemed more like an actual game by creating a sprite with 5 different costumes and switching them every second. I added end backgrounds for each of the cars so that, once again, it was seem more like a game. Other than those, I also made the game multiplayer and changed the cars' costumes when they crashed into each other or went off the road.

Blender-Intro (UPDATED: Feb.20/17)

Final Self-Assessment

1. What was your favourite activity/assignment in the course? My favourite assignment this year/course would definitely be the character te...